Travel and Experience Mysterious Sudan

Corine. Le 11 avril 2016
Travel and Experience Mysterious Sudan
Sudan is where the Arab world meets Africa and where the Blue Nile meets the white. One of Africa’s largest countries, the vast deserts and mesmerising landscapes of Sudan have always attracted explorers looking to discover the secrets of the ancient Nubian civilisations, ruins and the untouched marine life.

Pyramids, Temples and Nubian Culture of Sudan’s Nile Valley

Sudan holds an amazing diversity of tribes, languages, culture and more pyramids than Egypt. But unlike Egypt, you will explore a country completely untouched by tourism. Even the Red sea seemed more crystal clear, clean and full of colours. The ancient city of Meroe is considered one of the most fascinating site for amateur archaeologists. This place is incredible thanks to the number of pyramids that you could find there. As a matter of fact, the pyramids were inspired by Pharaonic Egypt, Greece and Rome.

Underwated encounters

Underwater adventures are a real diving rarity where ancient legends come to life. Visiting this place is definitely worth it. This is the home of Cousteau’s underwater empire, of Umbria resting in her watery grave and of Shaab Rumi teeming with hammerhead sharks.

Get to know Khartoum

Khartoum is the capital city of Sudan. This city is known for its rich way of life. This place is still holding some of the most cultural inhibitions that represent its old ways of life. Besides, there are some fine archaeological structures there such as Naga and Nuri.

The Confluence of the Nile

The Confluence of the Nile, is one of the most important geographical highlights of Sudan. It is just a fantastic experience to see the two Niles meet at one place. The two Niles have distinct colours, the White Nile is muddy and brown, and the Blue Nile is greenish.

The people of Sudan are extremely friendly and be prepared to attend many dinner invites, and don’t be surprised if you have been invited by shop owners to have a cup of tea with them, it is just a warm welcome for them.

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